
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

She is...

She is the sort of person who… fights for what she believes in even if it means the end of something that she holds dear
She is the sort of person who… knows that the benefit for the greater good will in the end bring her joy and happiness and is willing to sacrifice what she knows for what can be.
She is the sort of person who… loves with her entire heart. It is her biggest strength and her biggest weakness, making her incapable of seeing the bad in people and incapable of loving them les than with the entirety of her being.
She is the sort of person who… hides pieces of who she really is.
She is the sort of person who… strives to be something she is not naturally.
She is the sort of person who… uses her words like swords to cut through the egos of others in order to make them more real. 

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